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Peter Gebauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> described the package as follows:
License: gpl
Other License: 
Package: Friki
System name: friki
Type: non-GNU

Friki is a Wiki implementation. It supports the most common Wiki functions, but also 
adds a few new.
What separates Friki from other Wikis is that it deviates from the open Wiki nature 
and implements a strict ACL based security. (although it can be totally open as well)

Currently it lacks versioning, but it's on the TODO. Other things on the TODO are 
console based content management, CSS support, multilingual support and more/better 
Wiki tags. Once that is done it's a pretty nice Wiki. ;)

To download, http://www.restamus.org/friki-alpha.tar.gz


Other Software Required:
Apache, mod_python and Python.

Other Comments:

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