A package was submitted to savannah.gnu.org
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Jonathan Gonzalez V. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> described the package as follows:
License: gpl
Other License: 
Package: Apolos
System name: apolos
Type: GNU

Apolos is a small cdplayer only for GNU/Linux.
This support the basic things:

- CDDB support
- Different device
- A "timeline"

The GUI as in GTK+2.x, all the code is in C language. The code was made with the GNU 
style. I try to make the code the most clear as is posible, I commented the old code 
and put comments in the new code.

There are two main ideas for the future:

- I'll Add two functions: rip and encode
- I'll make the code the most stable as is possible

Other Software Required:

Other Comments:
The homepage of the project it's in sourceforge.net and the URL is: 

I want change the place because I'm my projects is GNU/GPL so, is logical than the 
project is hosted in savannah.

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