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Dennis Craven <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> described the package as follows:
License: gpl
Other License: 
Package: gSmokeFree - ex smoker's stats program
System name: gsmokefree
Type: non-GNU

If I don't put a url to the source right now, I'll forget to add it later, so here it 
is: http://arker.homelinux.org/otherdls/gSmokeFree-0.1.tar.gz

The project is simple. It is a program for people who have quit smoking that sits in 
the Gnome notification area as an icon, and when clicked, opens up a window displaying 
various statistics such as how long you have quit, how much money you have saved etc, 
all based on user entered information.

The program started as a small program that I would write in order to familiarize 
myself with the GTK2 API, but I later decided that it may not only be useful for 
others who have quit smoking, but also for those learning GTK as I am. The code's 
simplicity (and comments that will be/are included) make it easy to learn from, and my 
intent is to somehow incorporate all of the common GTK2 widgets in the API through 
various features that I have planned for the application.

I hope that the source and the program itself proves useful for someone.  Although not 
much is implemented just yet, and the code is a little grim in places, and the UI 
isn't the prettiest, it is functional as it is :).

I look forward to hearing your decision.

Other Software Required:
I'm not just sure how detailed this list needs to be. I'll assume that external 
programs like gcc are assumed to be required.

Gnome 2 libraries

Other Comments:

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