A package was submitted to savannah.nongnu.org
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David A. Capello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> described the package as follows:
License: gpl
Other License: 
Package: Allegro Sprite Editor
System name: ase
Type: non-GNU

ASE is a program to draw images. It includes a couple of LGPL libraries (RAP and 
RLIB), and will be released with Lua (www.lua.org) code embedded, but ASE code is 
distributed under GPL terms. The binaries will be available for GNU/Linux, Windows, 
and DOS.

The project is registered in SourceForge, but I have planned pass it to Savannah. You 
can get more information about it and the source code from: http://ase.sourceforge.net/

Other Software Required:
allegro, lua, libjpeg, libart_lgpl, libfreetype, readline.

Other Comments:

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