
Dan Kuykendall told us:
        We are going to move the phpgroupware.org domain to the
        GNU servers. I need to know how to go about this in
        order to have the domain hosted and I will need mysql
        and PHP support. From what I understand from Brad Kuhn,
        we should set this up something like dotgnu has done.

and Dave Hall added:
        From discussions I had with Norbet (aka nb), a chroot'd jail
        would probably suit the needs of phpGW better. 
        Occassionally we need to restart services, upgrade software
        etc.  In order to do this root access is really required. 
        As we have several people who will be responsible for
        maintaining the website, we feel all these people should
        have root access, which would be problematic on a shared host.

I would like to add:
        According to the current load of the Savannah server and to
        the (justified) desires of the phpgroupware people, I do not
        think it would be wise to do the migration on
        subversions.gnu.org, aka savannah.gnu.org. 
        I do not know if it was planned this way, but as said Dave
        Hall, a shared host for two distinct project may be
        problematic in many ways.

So I forward the Dan and Dave message to system-hackers that surely
knows more about that, that will provide more accurate information.


Mathieu Roy
  Not a native english speaker: 

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