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Iain Collins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> described the package as follows:
License: gpl
Other License: 
Package: Tasklist Groupware
System name: tasklist-org
Type: non-GNU


Tasklist is a working (though relatively limited functionality) prototype for a 
flexible groupware web based project management system. It is the 3rd revision of a 
older project (though it contains entirely new code).

It\'s written in Perl, and relies heavily on XML to allow for easy customisation of 
the interface and for storing program data such as; user account information, priority 
levels, defining categories, colour scheme information (etc).

As covered below, at this stage it also uses XML for actual task/project data storage, 
though is primarily intended to aid in initial testing (as it\'s more than fast enough 
for modest use, and means it\'s quick and easy to install and mean\'s you don\'t need 
to run an SQL server, just to test it, or run it - which makes it much more 
accessible, which at this stage I think is a priority).

It has very modest requirements and is easy to install (though the supplied download 
is sans installer script, I do have one - it installer any required Perl modules 
automatically, and checks directory permissions to ensure they are correct).

Current Features:

- Multiple users.
- Multiple user levels (Administrator, Manager, End User and Read-Only \'Guest\').
- Multiple definable categories.
- Multiple definable priority levels.
- Searchable task database.
- Multiple task levels (Open, On Hold [Greyed Out], Closed [Deleted]).
- Dynamic listing of tasks (forward and reverse listing, by Priority, Owner, Start 
Date, Due Date, Percentage Complete & Category). 

Current Key Limitations:

- Does not yet support hierarchical tasks (this was something present in older 
versions, but was done in an ugly manner and is being re-implemented).
- Does not yet support hierarchical categories (intended all new-feature).
- No current support for Perl\'s DBI, SQL or BDB Databases (only supports XML for now).
- No web based administrative interface (all configuration must be done manually in 
simple XML config files).
- No guaranteed unique ID numbers for tasks (trivial feature to add, but for now task 
\'ID\' are currently \'recycled\'. I intend to add a definable, increment able 
\'Unique Identifier\' so that end users can customise it to integrate it with any 
existing ticketing/tracking systems).
- Excellent \'real world compatibility\' (e.g. against: 
Mozilla/Firebird/Galoeon/Navigator/Netscape 6.0+, Konqueror, Safari, WinIE, MacIE, 
SolarisIE) but not great \'W3C\' _official standard_ compatibility).

Short-to-Medium Term Planned Features:

- Graphical reporting tools not yet complete (e.g. for GANTT chart views, project 
timelines, as this is dependant on hierarchical tasks being restored).
- Reporting, statistic generation.
- Importing and exporting of data.
- Support for file attachments.
- Full logging (to show full \'change history\' for projects to allow for monitoring).

Long Term Goals:

I would like to release two \'alternatively branded\' versions of this project once I 
am a little further down the line (e.g. when I have sub-Tasks, Reporting, Logging, Web 
Based Administration, File Attachments, Unique ID\'s).

I would like to release one version re-geared as a \'Bug Tracking Tool\' (for 
developers), and one as a \'Fault Logging Tool\' (for operations departments). If 
coded in a flexible enough manner the same program could even come with alternative 
layout definition files that determine the look and feel.

This is because I believe that tools like Bugzilla and Request Tracker both have many 
good points but I don\'t believe they live up to their potential in competing with 
commercial alternatives (and underneath, groupware bug reporting/fault logging/task 
management tools share many common features a similarity which is easy to leverage).

NB: This project was previously submitted, but rejected with the following requests:

- Replace remaining GIF images with PNG images (now Done)
- Add GNU License information to individual files within the package (now Done)

This is not a full release\' of the program (as it does not have the installer files, 
or my contact details for example), but a working version none the less:

Other Software Required:
- Perl
- Expat
- Apache (or similar WWW server)

Other Comments:

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