Paul Harrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> Hi,
> I'm one of the developers of the "circle" project, and have a slightly
> peculiar request. I want to be able to add some entries like this to the
> ..htaccess for the "circle" files area:
> <Files Circle-0.35.tar.gz>
>   Header add Content-MD5: ktd/yAtYroc5H03TNglnbA==
>   Header add Content-SHA1: hbQFKYoX1f4UztRQT2kYEt8yxAc=
> </Files>
> Currently Apache on Savannah barfs at this. If it doesn't open some kind
> of security hole, would it be possible to change the Apache configuration
> to allow me to add these headers?

We do not provide PHP/Perl support to users. As a matter of fact,
Permitting to add/edit .htaccess compromise this policy.

> Why on earth would i want to do this? Well, if apache produces a
> content-md5 header, a p2p program (for example, circle) might grab
> the response headers and go and look up the file on it's network
> rather than downloading it from the Savannah servers.
> So when the next circle release comes around, one person downloads it from
> Savannah and all our other users (all fifteen of them) get it off the
> circle network. Ok, not a huge saving. But in principle, if everyone does
> this, the bandwidth savings could be rather large.

The idea is interesting. No way to do this without .htaccess?


Mathieu Roy
  Not a native english speaker:

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