
I'm evaluating the project you submitted for approval in Savannah.


> A package was submitted to savannah.nongnu.org
> This mail was sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Javier Szyszlican <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> described the package as follows:
> License: gpl
> Other License: 
> Package: Just for Fun Network Management System
> System name: jffnms
> Type: non-GNU
> Description:
> JFFNMS is a complete Open Source Network Management System, 

Note that Savannah supports projects of the Free Software
movement, not projects of the Open Source movement.
We are careful about ethical issues and insist on
producing software that is not dependent on proprietary

While Open Source as defined by its founders means 
something pretty close to Free Software, it's frequently misunderstood.
For more information, read

> writen in PHP4. It works on any UNIX with support for PHP. Tested on
> Linux/Solaris and FreeBSD.

"Linux" is just a kernel of a more complex system
that we like to refer to as GNU/Linux, to emphasize
the ideals of the Free Software movement.

Would you mind changing references to Linux as an OS
to GNU/Linux?

For more information, see http://www.gnu.org/gnu/linux-and-gnu.html

> It also integrates Syslog (modified msyslog) and Tacacs+ (based on
> tac_plus) daemons.
> It mostly focused for ISPs but has enogh features for LAN Monitoring also. 
> It extensible, modular, and fast. It has modules to monitor Load, Disks, Memory, 
> Interfaces, TCP Ports, BGP peers, RTT & PL, Power Supplys, etc. 
> Some modules are Cisco Oriented and most are Standards Oriented.
> The current URL is http://jffnms.sourceforge.net
> You can download source-code, and documentation. 

You have removed the last section, titled "How to Apply
These Terms to Your New Programs", from the GPL license.
Please use a complete verbatim copy of the GPL license, as found
in http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt

The GPL license can only be copied in verbatim form.  The last section
is also very important and makes part of the license.

To release your project under the GPL, you should put
copyright notices and copying permission statements
at the beginning of every source-code file
(missing in several files)

Please follow the advice of http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-howto.html.

The GPL FAQ explain the reason behind these recommendations.  For
example, there is an entry explaining why the GPL requires including a
copy of the GPL with every copy of the program:

Please register your project once more with the changes mentioned
above.  The way we handle pending projects makes it difficult to keep
track of projects that have been answered but have not been approved
yet, so we erase them and we ask you to register the project again every
time some change has to be done to the registration, and users might
have to register their projects several times.  Thank you for your

Some users find it useful to use the big re-registration URL provided in
the acknowledgment e-mail you received after registration.


Mathieu Roy
  Not a native english speaker: 

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