On Fri, Apr 04, 2003 at 10:17:22AM -0500, Bradley M. Kuhn wrote:

> We'd need it to dump to a file that could very easily be included in the
> bind data for .gnu.org.

We could also have a wildcard A record that points *.gnu.org to the web
server.  IIRC, apache can remap FOO.gnu.org, to
www.gnu.org/software/FOO. (I'm not 100% certain on that, though).  We
can then make it so that 404 errors just go to a list of the GNU

Hmm..  http://httpd.apache.org/docs/mod/mod_rewrite.html looks like it
could do this.

http://httpd.apache.org/docs/mod/core.html#errordocument seems to
indicate that this can be defined with directory scope, so we could do
the 404 redirection just for www.gnu.org/software/

I still don't know why PROJECT.gnu.org is a good idea, though.

Jeff Bailey

I have a habit of wearing my mind on my sleeve.
I have a history of losing my shirt.
 - Barenaked Ladies.

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