> > As links to non-free software are deprecated by the GNU Project
> > rules in general
> > http://www.gnu.org/server/fsf-html-style-sheet.html#GeneralGuidelines
> > would you like make obvious the fact that sourceforge.net is no
> > longer free software, each times you refers to?
>   I don't understand.  We're using a free software (free enough, in
> fact, that its development is hosted on Savannah).  This software is
> called Sourceforge, and it's been written for sourceforge.net.  We're
> not allowed to remove copyright info, are we?

No, absolutely not.

> And even if we were, it's a matter or courtesy to give credit where
> it's due.


>   And as for the FSF HTML style sheet guidelines, I'm not sure they
> apply to Alioth or Debian, as none of these include "WWW web pages
> in HTML for the GNU/FSF web server".

No, they do not apply to Alioth or Debian. It was an exemple.
But they apply to Savannah.

And more generally, it's a almost a requirement for a project to be
hosted on Savannah.

You cannot remove references to Sourceforge.net, it would be illegal
and unpolite.

That's not what I asked, I wrote:
        "would you like make obvious the fact that sourceforge.net is
        no longer free software, each times you refers to?"

Which is perfectly legal, which is not unpolite (it's not unpolite to
notice their choice - they have to take full responsability for it)
and, finally, which is perfectly conform to the Savannah policy.


Mathieu Roy
 << Profile  << http://savannah.gnu.org/users/yeupou <<
 >> Homepage >> http://yeupou.coleumes.org           >>
 << GPG Key  << http://stock.coleumes.org/gpg        <<

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