On 30-Mar-2003, Ben Finney wrote:
> In the last half an hour, all CVS operations seem to be broken;
> whenever I attempt a cvs command, I get the following error.
> =====
> $ cvs -z3 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/toad co toad
> # Part of the Savannah Project: # Part of the Savannah Project: No such # file or 
> directory
> cvs [checkout aborted]: end of file from server (consult above messages if any)
> =====

This message seems to be occurring from the SSH session.  When I connect
to savannah.gnu.org I get the following message:

$ ssh savannah
Warning: Remote host denied X11 forwarding.

Welcome to subversions.gnu.org, running Debian GNU/Linux 3.0

        "Software by its very nature is subversive: the computer's identity
         is redefined by a subtler yet more powerful form of information.
         A new species comes into being when a program executes for the first
         time, and nobody really knows what it will bring to the universe."

         -- Spencer Hammond, 1987

If you are using `rsh' or `rlogin` to connect to subversions, please be sure
to pass the -x flag.  Unlike fencepost, we can't require this here because of

Mail <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> if you have any questions.

Last login: Sat Mar 29 18:37:21 2003 from eth115.vic.adsl.internode.on.net
# Part of the Savannah Project: # Part of the Savannah Project: No such file or 
Connection to savannah.gnu.org closed.

This indicates that the SSH session is attempting to run a process on
connect, but that process has a bug that causes it to emit the
problematic text:

  # Part of the Savannah Project: # Part of the Savannah Project: No such file or 

Any clues what may be causing this?

 \        "Either he's dead or my watch has stopped."  -- Groucho Marx |
  `\                                                                   |
_o__)                                                                  |
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  F'print 9CFE12B0 791A4267 887F520C B7AC2E51 BD41714B

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