The database migration has been completed. internal2 is now carrying the full work load.
The database on internal1 has been turned off and disabled to prevent accidentally creating a "split-brain" database. All database table engines were migrated from MyIASM to InnnoDB. All charsets were migrated from latin1 and utf8 to utf8mb4. Everything is running on a fully updated and fully current Trisquel 11 system. The regression suite of tests complete successfully with this configuration. All good! Next is that after an overnight of burn-in on the new system if no problems are found then I am planning to upgrade the old internal1 system in place up to the current Trisquel 11 and then migrate the database back to it. The reason is that internal1 is running on the very reliable kvmhost3 while interna2 is running on the somewhat flaky community0p which has been crashing frequently recently. Seems like a good plan to move back to the proven reliable system as quickly as practical. Previously the git server was completely independent of community0p but now if community0p crashes the user account database is down with it which will disrupt all of the services. Bob