Le 20/05/2013 08:20, Amit Ramon a ?crit :
> Thank, Stef.
> Stef <stef.dev at free.fr> [2013-05-16 21:19 +0200]:
>>    Hello,
>>    I have improved the rts8891 backend to better support some sensors 
>> post 1.0.23 release, which were only partially supported. You should 
>> try to compile latest source code to benefit from it.
> I compiled the latest sources from git but it didn't solve the
> problem. I still cannot scan at resolution higher than 75 DPI. It also
> seems that with the latest version the scanner makes much more
> noise...
> Thanks for the help. I may stick with the debian package in the
> meantime.
> --- Amit

     in order to check what exactly is your scanner model, may you run 
scanimage for a preview with debugging traces ? I'd able to see what 
code path to check in the backend.
In a shell, you could run:
export SANE_DEBUG_RTS8891=255
export SANE_DEBUG_RTS8891_LOW=255
scanimage --preview 2>debug.log

then send me the debug.log file .


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