I want to use the scanner epson perfection v 330 photo
within opensuse linux 12.2. But when xsane 0.998 is opened while the scanner is on the message 'No device found' appears. According to yast2 the following has been installed - hplip-sane - ksaneplugin - libksane0 - sane-backends - sane-backends-32bit - sane-backends-autoconfig - xsane In yast2, hardware, scanner, configuration the scanner is listed as not configured. Modify opens a long driver's list. For my scanner - see above - there is but one driver, but one is cautioned not to use it. Epson itself does not support linux. Help to get the device running would be appreciated. A. Mehl -- Albrecht Mehl |eBriefe an:mehlBEIfreundePUNKTtu-darmstadtPUNKTde Veilchenweg 7 |Tel. (06151) 37 39 92 D-64291 Darmstadt, Germany|sehenswert - ungef?hr 'Wir einsam im All' http://www.phrenopolis.com/perspective/solarsystem/index.html