Hi Louis, On Tue, 2012-12-18 at 16:28 +0100, Louis Lagendijk wrote: > This issue should now be fixed in git. Please test again
I just noticed that you merged your private and the master branch for this commit, unfortunately merging two branches clutters up history. I think that simple changes like this (or even private side-branches) should rather be rebased on top of the upstream branch -- this allows for a mostly linear history. Merging should be reserved for longer-lived public side-branches. To avoid unwanted merging, I have this in my ~/.gitconfig file: [branch] autosetuprebase = always Existing branches need to get something like the following snippet in their respective .git/config files: [branch "master"] rebase = true HTH, Nils -- Nils Philippsen / Wilhelmstra?e 22 / D-71229 Leonberg nils at tiptoe.de / nils at redhat.com PGP fingerprint: C4A8 9474 5C4C ADE3 2B8F 656D 47D8 9B65 6951 3011 Ever noticed that common sense isn't really all that common?