On (08:28 22/08/12), David Woodfall <dave at dawoodfall.net> put forth the 
>On (21:51 21/08/12), m. allan noah <kitno455 at gmail.com> put forth the 
>>What foreign address is it listening for? Should be*
>Yes it is.
>>On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 9:37 PM, David Woodfall <dave at dawoodfall.net> 
>>>On (20:09 21/08/12), m. allan noah <kitno455 at gmail.com> put forth the
>>>>check that sane-port 6566 is listed in /etc/services, then run netstat
>>>>-an | grep 6566 to be sure that you are listening on that port.
>>>Ok that's got me a step closer. It now shows on the server as a
>>>network scanner, but not yet on the other machine on the network.
>>>>On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 8:05 PM, David Woodfall <dave at dawoodfall.net>
>>>>>On 21/08/12 20:49, Stef wrote:
>>>>>>On 21/08/2012 14:27, David Woodfall wrote:
>>>>>>>On 21/08/12 05:57, Stef wrote:
>>>>>>>>On 20/08/2012 23:47, David Woodfall wrote:
>>>>>>>>>I'm having a problem with saned via inetd. This is what used to work:
>>>>>>>>>sane-port stream tcp nowait saned.saned /usr/sbin/saned saned
>>>>>>>>>sane stream tcp nowait saned.saned /usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/sbin/saned
>>>>>>>>>On the new server this no longer works. I thought it could be a
>>>>>>>>>permissions problem. This are my user's groups:
>>>>>>>>>users lp floppy audio video cdrom plugdev power netdev scanner
>>>>>>>>>I've recently upgraded the OS to slackware 14rc2 from 13.37 and it
>>>>>>>>>looks like maybe something has changed.
>>>>>>>>>Any ideas of what else I could try?
>>>>>>>>     Hello,
>>>>>>>>     is the scanner working locally ? Is the 'saned' user in the 'lp'
>>>>>>>>group which is now used for scanner by slackware ?
>>>>>>>>     Stef
>>>>>>>Hi. Yes scanner works locally. I didn't have a saned user so I created
>>>>>>>one and added it to lp group, but it's still not working.
>>>>>>     Hello,
>>>>>>     have you checked /etc/hosts.allow /etc/rc.d/net.conf and
>>>>>>/etc/rc.d/saned.conf ?
>>>>>Nothing in either hosts.allow or hosts.deny
>>>>>data_portrange = 10100 - 10110
>>>>>I have those ports allowed in firewall and also tried stopping firewall

Fixed by adding the server IP to net.conf in the client.

Many thanks for the suggestions.

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