At Fri, 8 Jun 2012 14:25:56 +0900, Gernot Hassenpflug wrote:
> Just checks specs:
> MP280 max optical resolution is 1200x2400dpi
> I think currently SANE does not support the extended "motor
> resolution" on the y-axis, so the max "square" resolution will be
> 1200dpi.
> So that means only the 1200dpi resolution mode needs to be resolved
> (you mentioned the modes up to 1200dpi work fine).
> That sounds doable on the weekend unless lots of to-and-fro testing is 
> required.

Hi Gernot,

I have B/W, grayscale and colour captures at each of 75, 600 and 1200
dpi. Is there anything else you'll need?

Tarred up, it's about 31 MB, so probably too big to email. How would
you like me to get this to you?


D.L. Beer Engineering

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