I asked this question a long time ago on Ubuntu Forum, with no result. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1576401 Probably this is a more suitable spot?
I have an Epson Perfection V200 Photo scanner. It works as you would expect in XP, whites come out white, automatically. In Ubuntu (10.04 thru 11.10) using the flatbed, real whites (white paper backgrounds, even the scanner's own white background) come out noticeably blue. This is annoying anyway & especially when printing afterwards. It is about the same using any of the available Scanner Applications (XSane / Image Scan! / Simple Scan / AcquireImages etc.) See example in above post. I can roughly correct the problem, once per scanning session, using the "Tone Control" in Image Scan! or (much more fiddly) using the "Set as White" tool in XSane, but the settings don't 'stick'. Is there any way to dial this problem out, once & for all, for any or preferably all of the applications? Thanks! 2CV67