As usual, missing attachment, here is the patch file.

On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 02:30:53AM -0500, Fox wrote:
>Date: Thu, 16 Feb 2012 02:30:53 -0500
>From: Fox <web at>
>To: Sane mailing list <sane-devel at>
>Subject: Fujitsu S1100 tester found
> Hello all,
> I have decided to contribute to the open source community and I will
> test one of the scanner, the Fujitsu S1100 which use the epjitsu
> backend, because you are searching for testers ... so, here I am.
> But I am a little confused since I don't know the real state of the
> actual backend.
> On this discussion thread of ubuntu, on July 11th, 2011, the member
> evolution124 talks about a patch and gives a zip file containing the
> patch to apply which is attached to this mail since you have to
> subscribe to ubuntuforums to get it :-( . He names it epjitsu-21.
> On the second page of the thread:
> there is also a script to work it out and do all the job of getting
> the sane backends, patching, compiling and installing it.
> I have cloned the development git repository and the latest version of
> epjitsu.c is v20 dated from 2010-02-09 which was done by MAN and there
> is no mention whatsoever of the v21 in there !?!
> Soooooooo, what I want to know is what is the real status of this
> backend? And if you were aware of this unofficial v21 patch.
> But first, I will have to receive this new scanner (in a couple of
> days) and I am sure we will make it work but you will have to guide me
> a little before I can be settled to test it the way you want it to!
> For example, who is MAN? Is he still the maintainer of this specific
> backend? Does he still work on it? Do you have testing procedures or
> is it just: plug it, scan 2 pages and shout 'Hurray' it's working?
> By the way, I am an old timer (asm 6502 anyone?) and still a techie
> and knows a lot about computers, coding, development cycles, testing
> and production environments since it's my job since 1988. I am a also
> a Linux fanatic since ... Slackware 0.9 ... just to let you know.
> Awaiting orders and words of wisdom from sane gurus.
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