On Fri, Dec 16, 2011 at 1:03 PM, rnjwatson <watson99 at tpg.com.au> wrote:
> Dear Sir/madam
> Since upgrading to the latest version of Kubuntu the preview window for
> Xsane does not work.? When it is opened it comes up as a blank window.? I am
> wondering if there is a simple solution.? All other windows are fine and the
> scanner works.? But without the preview window, the scan cannot be cropped.

That's interesting---same thing happens with me when I compile the CVS
version of SANE on my Debian 32-bit system.
The older system version works fine though.

In more detail: the preview window "works" in the sense that you can
do actions on it like selecting an area, just there is no display (it
is all grey) and you cannot see where the buttons are to press so it
is guesswork.

Gernot Hassenpflug

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