Can anybody recommend a USB tracer, freeware preferred.

I'll get a bit of time over the end of the year to work on this so need 
to check I have all the pre requisites lined up.



On 10/12/11 08:36, David Moorhouse wrote:
> I'm interested in getting the HP Scanjet 7500 scanner working under
> SANE and contributing my work back to the project.
> 1. Output of # sane-find-scanner   returns
> ...
> found USB scanner (vendor=0x03f0, product=0x8411) at libusb:003:004
>   # Your USB scanner was (probably) detected. It may or may not be
> supported by
>   # SANE. Try scanimage -L and read the backend's manpage.
> 2. Output of # scanimage -L   returns
> No scanners were identified.
> ...
> Where to from here ?
> - I'm happy mucking around in C code with a bit of assistance for
> compiling etc.
> - I have access to a Windows box so can log the USB conversation if
> this is useful, is there a specific tool recommended ?
> Thanks
> David

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