skip xsane for a minute. what about scanimage -L


On Thu, Dec 8, 2011 at 2:26 PM,  <CACook at> wrote:
> On Thursday, December 08, 2011 10:29:16 AM m. allan noah wrote:
>> Just disable v4l in dll.conf, and see if that helps.
> Thanks, but disabling only v4l still says 'no devices'.
> For some reason XSane does not seem to be looking to saned's port 6566.
> OK there's more to the story: ?My saned server is running on Hex, where the 
> scanner is. ?I'm using a reverse SSH tunnel to serve 6566 on Droog. ?So 6566 
> appears on Droog as localhost:6566 yet the server is actually on Hex. ?For 
> years I've remotely served services like this such as Squid, MythTV, Cups, 
> etc, and they all (still) work. ?It is a great secure method. ?I am seeing 
> localhost:6566 on Droog, just as I should, and there are no firewall errors. 
> ?But XSane is not using it.
> Xsane runs fine on Hex, and when I stop saned it can no longer find any 
> devices, so I know XSane is using saned on Hex. ?For some reason though, 
> XSane is not finding the server on Droog.
> Is there anything I should know about XSane's use of saned?
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