I have removed now all Adaptec Kernel extensions from 
/System/Library/Extensions except Adaptec 78XXSCSI.kext as described in the 
following article.


sane-find-scanner lists now only a single scanner device. 

found SCSI scanner "AGFA DUOSCAN 2.30" at <0240a6000000002d134c34f4a>

I think this is an improvement. Yet, the scanner device has just this strange 
number, and
scanimage -L still states that no scanners were identified.

Any idea how to fix this?


On 22.07.2011, at 10:52, Werner Randelshofer wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to use an Agfa DuoScan SCSI scanner with Mac OS X 10.4.
> When I run sane-find-scanner, the scanner is listed, but scanimage -L reports 
> an error.
> I think scanimage does not work, because the device is listed with a number 
> instead of with /dev/...
> I tried 
> $ scanimage -d 01723e000000000e0b9ad186
> scanimage: open of device 01723e000000000e0b9ad186 failed: Invalid argument
> and
> $ scanimage -d "<01723e000000000e0b9ad186>"
> scanimage: open of device 01723e000000000e0b9ad186 failed: Invalid argument
> Is there a different way how I am suposed to use the device number in the 
> scanimage command?
> Below are the outputs of sane-find-scanner and scanimage -L.
> TIA,
> Werner

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