Glenn Howald glenn.howald at wrote > I am starting work on testing my transparency scanner (with a desire to get > it to > work as a scanner or camera under Linux) because it is no longer supported > under > Windoze 7.
Installed Ubuntu on my new Windoze 7 laptop on it's first boot after I brought it. Still not missing Windoze at home. > lsusb returns: > ID 05a9:1550 OmniVision Technologies, Inc. VEHO Filmscanner Same for mine. "Bus 002 Device 004: ID 05a9:1550 OmniVision Technologies, Inc. VEHO Filmscanner" > So far I am reverse engineering the commands from USB dumps on my Windows XP > machine. That would be the one that died, causing me to buy the Win7 laptop and a Linux magazine? Or was it a Win2k machine? I've forgotten already. > This is simply a notice that I am starting some development of SANE support > for this scanner. If there's anything I can do to assist in the way of testing ... > Anyone have suggestions for a back-end to use as a model for this type of > USB support? [Blind stag] It seems there was a flush of different models like this in the UK a couple of years ago, and I got one that was remaindered. The software had a really horrible interface, and crashed /ad nauseam/, but I recall that it had calibrations options and several available resolutions. Oh, searching the box, I find manuals and a CD too. Of Windoze drivers. But the Setup.ini file for the 32-bit version tells me "Product=OVT Scanner X86 PackageName=OVT Scanner X86.msi ... ProductCode={6B566EFE-DC1D-471F-93DD-84832663F140} ... PackageCode={24CDC6DC-2AA8-45D1-ACA8-E73050E39762}" Is that any use for determining if we're talking about the same or similar devices? Ah : "1650= (This will also install the .NET Framework.)" That may well have been why I was running into problems. Nothing .NETty worked on that machine. Elsewhere I have .SET files that tell me things like "7660APLGam="CameraSetting\SupportCamera\7660APL\DeviceProperties\VideoProcAmp\Gamma" 7660APLCol="CameraSetting\SupportCamera\7660APL\DeviceProperties\VideoProcAmp\ColorEnable" 7660APLWb="CameraSetting\SupportCamera\7660APL\DeviceProperties\VideoProcAmp\WhiteBalance"" Which makes me think that these are settings that need to be set on the camera (by your software?) Any use? Strangely, the ".SET" comments also seem to include settings for treating it as a video camera. Puzzled? As you can see, I only have the vaguest idea of how these things are meant to work. But if you need information or a test-bed to try things on ... call. -- Aidan Karley, Aberdeen, Scotland