On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 08:26:27PM -0400, Ed Greenberg wrote:
> I've been using Sane and XSane for several years now, with great  
> success. My Sane and XSane come from the Ubuntu repositories (Lucid 
> Lynx).
> I have an Epson GT8300 flatbed scanner, and all is good.
> Today I happened upon an article leading me to realize that there were  
> some command line tools for Sane that I had never used.  When I did  
> 'sane-find-scanner', it found this:
> found USB scanner (vendor=0x04b8 [EPSON], product=0x011e [EPSON  
> Scanner]) at libusb:001:017
> When I do scanimage -L, I get this:
> device `epson2:libusb:001:017' is a Epson GT-8300 flatbed scanner
> All very nice, but when I do this:
> scanimage --device epson2:libusb:001:017, I get a long long timeout and  
> then, eventually:
> scanimage: sane_read: Error during device I/O
> It also leaves the scanner in a bad state. 

I personally use a self-built script, scan2xxx (to jpg or to ps or to pdf,
no matter);
see attach, try it or try the command inside the script to see if this works
nice for you!

Y P 
-------------- next part --------------
# Scan2JPG script
# O. La Rosa - 26-09-2005 - Public - rev. 02-02-2008 
# (source: scan2ps)
# Default resolution = 250. Feel free to increase it...

# Default scan output directory:

cd ~
mkdir $dr
cd $dr


echo "Scan2JPG

Current directory = `pwd` 

read -p"Full output file name will be... (something.jpg): " outf
test -z "$outf" && echo "Aborted!" && sleep 1 && exit
echo "
Scanning to JPG!

... Please wait ...

        x = 215mm  y = 297mm  mode = Gray  format = TIFF  output = JPG

        Copied to dir $dr  to file $outf 

#scanimage -l 0 -t 0 -x 215 -y 297 --mode Gray --format tiff >/tmp/tmp.tiff
scanimage -l 0 -t 0 -x 215 -y 297 --mode Gray --format tiff --resolution 250 
#scanimage -l 0 -t 0 -x 215 -y 297 --mode Gray --format tiff --resolution 300 
cd /tmp
/usr/bin/convert tmp.tiff $outf
cd -
cp /tmp/$outf .
cp /tmp/$outf $HOME/Bureaublad
echo "Finished!

ls -lrt `pwd`/$outf
file `pwd`/$outf


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