Dear all, I've just received this HP Scanjet 8270 (ADF) scanner two days ago and I'm in the process of getting it working with my Debian Testing workstation.
As this scanner needs the latest version of the avision backend, I've recompiled the libsane-backends Debian package after having replaced the avision.* files in the source as stated on the avision backend web page. I've now reinstalled the package and the scanner works almost flawlessly for what I've tried up to now (ADF works, gray / color no issue). However, though I own another old Epson scanner which I can use as a regular user, It seems I can only use the new HP as root... No need to say I'm a member of the "scanner" group... I've tried to locate various information concerning the possibility of specifying users permissions for usb devices but all the information I can find seems to concern old kernels / udev... systems... Is it possible that it is related to the backend itself ??? Any hint ? I haven't recompiled the whole of sane (only the backends), is it a possible source of this issue ? Thanks anyway for the development of the avision backend. Olivier. -- Olivier Crouzet, PhD Laboratoire de Linguistique -- EA3827 D?partement de Sciences du Langage UFR Lettres et Langages Universit? de Nantes Chemin de la Censive du Tertre - BP 81227 44312 Nantes cedex 3 France phone: (+33) 02 40 14 14 05 (lab.) (+33) 02 40 14 14 36 (office) fax: (+33) 02 40 14 13 27 e-mail: olivier.crouzet at