I have been trying to setup scanning for OCR and have successfully 
installed XSane Image Scanner and also both tesseract-ocr and gocr for 
the OCR side of thinks.

Gocr seems to have been the default OCR Command in the XSane setup and I 
have had no trouble scanning in Viewer Mode and then going straight to 
OCR using the PNG file output from the scanner.

As these results are not the best and tesseract is highly recommended I 
tried to use this from the Terminal. After some problems with the 
*.tiff/*.tif file extension I found that tesseract had no problems 
processing the file.

Now I want to know how to set up XSane -> Preferences -> Setup -> OCR 
with the correct OCR Command and the other inputs to that dialog in 
order to use tesseract directly from the Viewer Mode.

Can some guru out there help me with this please?

Thanks in advance...

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