
> Well, the logs are partially usable, the first one fails probably
> before the image data is sent from the scanner (Broken pipe), and the
> second does just show only the very beginning of a scan sequence.
> However, what is very curious, is that the first log shows the Pixma
> dialect used here is different from all the ones implemented in the
> pixma backend. 
> But the first scanimage log you sent (which fails when image data is
> about to be sent by scanner) uses the ImageClass Pixma dialect, so I
> guess this model understands 2 different Pixma protocols ! Canon seems
> to have reinvented the wheel again !

Hmm, that's funny indeed. Maybe to clarify, I do not know if it is
related or not. The scanner has two modes, "distant scan" and "connected
to a computer". Not quite sure of the translation. I attach a new log
in "computer" mode under windows, but I fear the log is incomplete,
even if the scan was ok. 

I compile your modified version of pixma_imageclass.c and attach a new
log (scan.log). The scanner has the same behaviour as before.

Hope you could find some clue.


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