Jane85 schrieb:
> Pierre Willenbrock-2 wrote:
>> Okay, then please try the attached patch. If that works, try to reduce
>> the time in the usleep until it breaks again.
>> Regards,
>>   Pierre
> I copied the patch to the folder "sane-backends-git20100716". Then I used:
> $patch -p1 < patch_name
> $make clean
> $make install

Oops, patch was wrong, used incorrect register. Please try the attached
patch(reverting the original one before). (Or manually replace the 6D/6d
by 6C/6c in the affected code.)

> The result of scanimage is identical. The log is attached.
> I noticed, the device name is changed after every unsuccessful attempt of
> scaning (genesys:libusb:001:010, then genesys:libusb:001:011). Is it
> important?

For some reason, the scanner disconnects and reconnects on the USB,
every time getting a new address. This was already clear from the logs.
There is pretty much no other way to get "Connection timed out" from
libusb with these scanners.

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