Invitation to attend SETIT 2011 conference

We would like to invite you to join us for the 6th international conference 
named Sciences of Electronics, Technologies of Information and 
Telecommunications which will be held in Sousse-Tunisia from 23 to 26 March 
The SETIT conference is an essential forum for sharing knowledge about the 
latest progress and advances in information and telecommunication technologies 
through papers, and has an excellent track record for fostering synergism 
between research teams that are working in the fields related to the conference 
The rich assortment of tutorials, presentation sessions, and receptions will 
allow you to gain in-depth knowledge of fundamental principles and the latest 
trends in the sciences of electronics, technologies of information and 
With its many sessions, the Conference is an excellent opportunity to renew old 
friendships and network with new contacts. You and your accompanists will also 
enjoy the vibrant culture and many points of interest in our beautiful and 
hospitable country Tunisia . So make your plans now to join us for this 
exciting event.
See you in Sousse,
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries regarding 

Updated information about the conference can be found at:

Online registration can be found at:

Mohamed Salim BOUHLEL
General Co-Chair, SETIT 2011
Director of The Higher Institute of Electronics and Communication of Sfax
Head of Research Unit:Sciences & Technologies of Image and Telecommunications ( 
Sfax University )
GSM +216 20 200005

If you want to be removed from our database, please send an email to 
unsubscribe.setit at   with subject:   Unsubscribe

SETIT 2011
Sixth International Conference Sciences of Electronic, Technologies of 
Information and Telecommunications
Sousse, Tunisia, March 23-26, 2011


== SETIT 2011 PRESENTATION =============================================

SETIT 2011 has the ambition to promote a technological reference frame, to give 
answers and original innovating ideas and to contribute to a common language 
around the information processing and the telecommunications. This conference 
will allow, on one hand, to share experience, to make a state of the art of the 
theory, research, telecommunication applications and the Information 
processing. On the other hand, Setit will present future innovations.


== TOPICS ==============================================================

The topics of this conference are voluntarily opened in order to support the 
participation of many teams (researchers, teachers, engineers, industrialists 
and students). A broad place will be reserved for the new ideas, with not yet 
succeeded work, original work positioning clearly compared to what exists.
Here a non exhaustive list of the topics:

Systems on chip
Electronic integration
Radiofrequence circuits and systems
Telecommunications? circuits and systems
Image and Video 
Image compression and coding
Image processing technology
Cryptology and watermarking
Image 3D
Management and diffusion of multimedia applications
Multimedia data base
Documents modelisation and interpretation
Telecommunication?s computer science
Telecommunications and Networks 
Communication protocoles
Transmission technics
Signal Processing 
Statistical analysis
Speech processing
Speech compression and coding
Information Processing 
Information fusion
Neuronal networks and fuzzy logic
Rationing methods
Data mining


== IMPORTANT DATES =========================================================

Paper submission : November 30, 2010
Notification of acceptance : December 15, 2010
Final manuscript due : December 31, 2010
Main conference  : March 23-26, 2011

== CONFERENCE'S PLACE ======================================================

Sousse "the pearl of the Sahel" is located on the eastern coast of Tunisia, two 
hours from the capital Tunis in the central-east of the country,
on the Gulf of Hammamet, which is a part of the Mediterranean Sea.
The mildness of its climate, its calm and beautiful coast and the hospitality 
of its people have long captivated those who came to conquer.
It is home to many resorts and fine sandy beaches backed by orchards and olive 
groves. It has a pleasant Mediterranean climate, with hot, dry summers and 
warm, mild wet winters. It also has a skilled population, and serves as a 
strategic geographic location.


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