Yes ... the interesting log with [pixma] statements was send to your
console !

This little image filled up with 0s is strange, to understand what's
going on, could you try to get another log with the following commands:


scanimage  2> scanimage.log  1> foo.pnm

You should get hopefully the [pixma] statements now into scanimage.log

Could you send this file back


Le lundi 14 juin 2010 ? 09:41 +0000, twain43 at a ?crit :
> Dialing scanimage > foo.pnm produces a blank, 32kb file.
> I'm attaching it, along with today's log. 
> The log is obtained dialing the 3 export commands, as the last one
> was....but again contains no [pixma] statements, which is kind of
> strange....
> Indeed the log reads good, but I should point out that after your
> patch, the scanner makes no longer wheezing noises (kind of "preparing
> to acquire images" signal, IMHO), as it did before. So maybe something
> is still missing....
> Twain28

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