perhaps your old version of ubuntu had the epkowa backend installed?


2010/5/27 Jo?l <jj.bataille at>:
> Hi
> Sane acknowledged perfectly my scanner Epson GT 7000 and it up to
> the version 9.10 of Ubuntu.
> With the version 10.04 of Ubuntu the scanner is acknowledged as a
> generic scanner.
> Here is the answer of scanimage:
> ?**********
> joel at Fixe:~$ scanimage -L
> device `epson2:/dev/sg2' is a Epson generic flatbed scanner
> joel at Fixe:~$ scanimage --version
> scanimage (sane-backends) 1.0.20; backend version 1.0.20
> ?**********
> **********
> joel at Fixe:~$ sane-find-scanner
> ?# sane-find-scanner will now attempt to detect your scanner. If the
> ?# result is different from what you expected, first make sure your
> ?# scanner is powered up and properly connected to your computer.
> found SCSI processor "EPSON SCANNER GT-7000 1.14" at /dev/sg2
> ?# Your SCSI scanner was detected. It may or may not be supported
> by SANE. Try
> ?# scanimage -L and read the backend's manpage......
> **********
> Consequence is that I can use the scanner only in it's basic
> functions. Particularly I cannot use the adapter any more for negative
> and slides because alone the flatbed source is offered.
> Thank you for your help
> J-Jo?l
> --
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