On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 1:06 PM, scar <scar at drigon.com> wrote:
> Hash: SHA256
> Ille @ 03/24/2010 12:39 AM:
>> Le Tue, 23 Mar 2010 11:11:18 -0700,
>> scar <scar at drigon.com> a ?crit :
>>> i re-plugged the USB cable and tried /usr/local/bin/sane-find-scanner
>>> and it detects the scanner like before (thinking it is an HP, etc.)
>>> but still 'sudo /usr/local/bin/scanimage -L' doesn't detect
>>> anything....
>> Try to run scanimage in DEBUG mode, the mustek_usb2 backend is
>> relatively verbose, so you can trace the operations and see where the
>> failure occurs.
> the failure was due to permission denied, so i'll re-run as root. ?how
> to avoid running as root, though?

You can add write permissions (o+w) to the usb connection
(/dev/bus/usb/<nnn>/<nnn>) where output of sane-find-scanner tells you
these numbers. This will change likely each time you switch the
scanner off and on, and the permissions will disappear on reboot.

> secondly, how can i save all of the debug output of 'scanimage
>>test.pnm' for you all to see?

add    2> <outputfile>    to your command line. Then the error output
goes to the outfile.

The stripes you see are the RGB data not properly overlaid to give you
combined colors.


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