I have added a few lines to the pixma mp150 backend that crop the scan 
lines in order to match exactly the selected scan area. pixma_mp150.c 
and pixma.h are modified and contained in the attached tgz archive. 
Cropping is switched on by defining the variable MYCROP in pixma.h. 
Sorry for communicating that enhancement using this mail, I am not 
familiar with the standard method.

By the way: I am achieving good scan results with my Canon MX860 if 
setting gamma to 2.0.

Enhancements of pixma_mp150 I am interested in:
- color management respectively color correction in backend
- more configuration options, e.g. for initial gamma and for providing 
the path to the scanner icc profile,
- 48bit color depth

Best wishes for 2010

Christian Scholz
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