Hi Alessandro,
Am Mittwoch, 6. Januar 2010 schrieben Sie:
> On Tue, 5 Jan 2010 20:29:40 -0500
> "m. allan noah" <kitno455 at gmail.com> wrote:
> > I cannot comment on the specific limitations of this scanner, but this
> > kind of issue used to be common, but now only happens with cheap
> > scanners. The machine's RGB channels are not read from the same row at
> > the same moment. Rather, they are offset by some number of lines. So,
> > the driver might have to scan some extra, and throw it away, and
> > descramble the rest.
>  I believe Allan is right. Rainer, did you tried with
>  the "epson" driver?

I had the same thought :-)

The git version von epson has the same issue. The 6510000 bytes correspond to 
1750 lines.

rd at dell:~$ scanimage -d 'epson:libusb:001:003' --mode='Color' -y 297 -l 
0 --resolution='150' -x 210 -t 0 -v > test150-epson.pnm
scanimage: scanning image of size 1240x1754 pixels at 24 bits/pixel
scanimage: acquiring RGB frame
scanimage: min/max graylevel value = 38/255
scanimage: read 6510000 bytes in total
rd at dell:~$ convert test150-epson.pnm test150-epson.png
convert: unable to read image data `test150-epson.pnm'.
convert: missing an image filename `test150-epson.png'.
rd at dell:~$ pnmtopng test150-epson.pnm > test150-epson.png
pnmtopng: EOF / read error reading a row of pixels
rd at dell:~$

I uploaded debug output (SANE_DEBUG_EPSON=3, when logging the entire image 
data upload takes a long time) to


Any insight what is going wrong is welcome :-)


Rainer Dorsch
L?rchenstr. 6
D-72135 Dettenhausen
email: rdorsch at web.de
jabber: rdorsch at jabber.org
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