Hi! as first, i am really sorry for my poor english (oder deutsch), but i hope that you understand. Well, this is my problem: I can't resize the main xsane window, histogram window, standard options window and advanced options window. This makes some numeric sizes (e.g. in avanced options window) unreadable. My OS: Ubuntu 9.10 (gnome) I think, I am not the first which reported this bug. But thank you for developing this excellent, amazing and very useable software masterpiece. It is very intuitive, practical and configurable for me. It is much more effective than all scanning softwares i have tried. Thank You, Oliver! Best regards/ Mit freundlichen Gr?ssen, ich w?nche dir viel Gl?ck in deinen Arbeit und festes Gesundheit!{ich hoffe du bist aus Deutschland :) } Michal L?ffler, Slovakia