David Heinrich wrote:
> In the meantime, the support for the Epson 4990, V700, and V750 is 
> listed as "good", which is defined as all necessary functionality being 
> there, but some advanced functionality missing. How would one find out 
> what functionality is missing? (might it be the ICE, which "removes" 
> scratches via I think an IR light detecting them).

At least for the epkowa driver the use of "good" and "complete" is somewhat 
inconsistent. epkowa, unfortunately, has no ICE support at all.

You can get more information on models supported by the epkowa driver from the 
comments column in the supported scanner list found here:

Happy scanning,
Alesh Slovak                    Linux Team -- AVASYS Corporation
alesh.slovak at avasys.jp          http://avasys.jp

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