Le vendredi 2 octobre 2009 04:30:09 Paul Wise, vous avez ?crit :
> Hi all,
> [Please CC me, I'm not subscribed]
> The scanner I'm working on (Lexmark X2330) shows up in USB when the
> scanner has wall power but the blue LED embedded in the power on button
> is off. When in that state, the scanner returns an specific error code
> indicating what I can only assume is "please turn scanner on". I have a
> working standalone driver at this stage. For when I start working on a
> SANE backend, is there a way for a SANE backend to inform the user that
> the power is off and they need to press the power button?


        to my knowledge, there is no SANE API feature that explicitly handle 
case. I think it has to be added to the areas where the API could be improved. 
        The only way I know to get around that within the current framework, is 
create an SANE_Option for this feature of the backend and let frontends 
querying it. It is how button handling is done, and you'll meet the same 
problems and limitations.


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