On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 6:29 AM, Ozan ?a?layan<ozan at pardus.org.tr> wrote:
> Ozan ?a?layan wrote On 23-06-2009 12:48:
>> backend/avision.c: Mark Fujitsu ScanPartner 620C with
>> AV_LIGHT_CHECK_BOGUS as it currently refuses to work through avision
>> after 90 tries:
> BTW, the scanner works well with sp15c backend and it's marked as *good*
> in avision.c. So it's possible that the previous patch is not the
> optimal solution to the problem if it was working OK some time ago.
> Tested with 1.0.19 and 1.0.20.

I will commit your patch, since it is easy to revert. The avision
backend author may be able to comment further on the status.

> And an additional question: Both avision and sp15c seem to support this
> device. What is the policy about those situations in sane-backends? Is
> there a some sort of *recommended* flag to mark a backend more stable
> than other or is the backend selection completely left to the user?

Well, in this particular case I think the sp15c backend probably
supported these Avision-built Fujitsu machines better at one time, but
that driver is unmaintained now. On the other hand, the avision
backend supports a huge number of machines, so unintended regressions
can sometimes be a problem.

"The truth is an offense, but not a sin"

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