FYI -------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: Subject:-Crashing Fire fox browser when running Datum: Thu, 25 Jun 2009 10:21:26 +0530 Von: amitdubein at <amitdubein at> An: hmg-guest at
Respected Sir, We are using your Scan applet Example for scanning, but we are facing some problem while running the applet on fire fox 3.0 with O/S Linux open Suse & scanner HP 3050. We face crashing problem when we go through the following steps. 1) Start Application. 2) Call applet. 3) Click on acquire. 4) Click on Start. 5) Scan image (It completely scan selected image & goes to desired path.). 6) When we click on close button. 7) The browser gets crashed. It will very helpful if you give some solution on above problem. -- Regards Amitkumar Dube Software Developer