On 05/10/2009 01:28 PM, m. allan noah wrote:
> On Sun, May 10, 2009 at 2:22 PM, Julien BLACHE<jb at jblache.org>  wrote:
>> Ilia Sotnikov<hostcc at gmail.com>  wrote:
>> Hi,
>>> Could you please describe in what matter using relative paths to
>>> header files (eg. #include "../include/sane/sane.h") is better in
>>> comparision with -I../include command line option? Just to have
>>> cleaner picture...
>> This way you don't pick up installed SANE include files in the
>> standard include paths.
> see recent thread about freebsd build issues.
> allan

A brief summary: Using #include "sane/*.h" and -I for header files that 
can also be found in /usr/include is not reliable as some cpp's will 
search -I paths as last option in that case; thus preferring the 
/usr/include version.

So this is a problem with sane/sane.h and sane/saneopts.h but I also 
applied a chosen solution to all internal header files for consistency.

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