On 09-Mar-26, at 14:17, Louis Lagendijk wrote:

> [...] This could be because the MX850 is not connected on that Lan
> (duh)

Yes, the MX850 was connected via USB.

> [...] Peter is using an older version of
> the pixma code [...].

Yes, because I couldn?t successfully build the 2009-03-24 nightly  

> [...] Peter could try the ethernet interface on his MX850 instead.  
> Is the
> MX850 connected to the network?

It was connected by USB. I have tried it connected directly via  
Ethernet cable (i.e. no hub or switch). I will give the details in a  
future e-mail.

> One last question: is any of the Canon Scangear stuff (see Canon
> website) installed? Does that work?

The Canon Scangear stuff was installed when I did the testing two days  

The Canon Scangear software does work. Of course, the Scangear  
software doesn?t allow for scanning from the command line, which I  
would like to be able to do.

The Canon Scangear software is not currently installed, and was not  
installed when I tested earlier today:

On 09-Mar-26, at 14:20, Louis Lagendijk wrote:

> One more note: the logfile seems to suggest that opening the device
> failed. Was this the case where the process hung and could not be
> killed?

scanimage -L &> scanimage-L.log
always seems to succeed, and finds
device `pixma:04A9172C_21B0DA' is a CANON Canon PIXMA MX850 multi- 
function peripheral

scanimage -d pixma:04A9172C_21B0DA -T &> scanimage.log
always hangs, always seemingly at the same place, and only rarely can  
the process be killed.

Peter Schoenrank
mailto: peter at schoenrank.ca
phone: 250-655-6753

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