> try the -density flag to convert.

-density 300 -units PixelsPerInch

is what I use when scanning to TIF or PNG.  (Substitute '300' for appropriate 
scan DPI.)

-----Original Message-----
From: sane-devel-bounces+dpoole=marvell....@lists.alioth.debian.org on behalf 
of m. allan noah
Sent: Fri 12/19/2008 11:27 AM
To: gobo
Cc: sane-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org
Subject: Re: [sane-devel] help with improving text scans
On Fri, Dec 19, 2008 at 12:58 PM, gobo <gobo770 at gmail.com> wrote:
> the default for scanimage is 75dpi, and that is barely readable.  i'll
> certainly give your gimp setting change a try.
> but, can i also do this in the shell?  can i take an image scanned
> with --resolution=150, funnel it through another utility (or two) and
> end up  with a pdf containing 8.5x11" hi-res pages?

you are confusing the dpi of the scan and the dpi of the print. If you
scan at 150, you should print at 150, if you want the size to match.
Since the scans as the come from sane likely wont have the dpi
embedded, you will have to tell someone in your chain of progs what
the original scan dpi was. try the -density flag to convert.


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