what backend and scanner is this?


On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 2:11 AM,  <jeffrey.ratcliffe at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Dec 13, 2008 2:41pm, "m. allan noah" <kitno455 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> can you verify that the version of scanimage that is in sane CVS now
>> fixes the complaining?
> No:
> $ frontend/scanimage -d test -t 1 -l 2 -x 21 -y 32 --batch-count=2 -v -v -v
> lt-scanimage: value for --tl-y is: 1
> lt-scanimage: value for --tl-x is: 2
> lt-scanimage: value for --br-x is: 21
> lt-scanimage: value for --br-y is: 32
> lt-scanimage: rounded value of br-x from 23 to 23
> lt-scanimage: rounded value of br-y from 33 to 33
> Scanning 2 pages, incrementing by 1, numbering from 1
> Scanning page 1
> lt-scanimage: scanning image of size 41x62 pixels at 8 bits/pixel
> lt-scanimage: acquiring gray frame
> lt-scanimage: min/max graylevel value = 255/0
> lt-scanimage: read 2542 bytes in total
> Scanned page 1. (scanner status = 5)
> Scanning page 2
> lt-scanimage: scanning image of size 41x62 pixels at 8 bits/pixel
> lt-scanimage: acquiring gray frame
> lt-scanimage: min/max graylevel value = 255/0
> lt-scanimage: read 2542 bytes in total
> Scanned page 2. (scanner status = 5)
> Closing device
> Calling sane_exit
> scanimage: finished
> I then applied the patch I supplied to fix the problem:
> $ frontend/scanimage -d test -t 1 -l 2 -x 21 -y 32 --batch-count=2 -v -v -v
> lt-scanimage: value for --tl-y is: 1
> lt-scanimage: value for --tl-x is: 2
> lt-scanimage: value for --br-x is: 21
> lt-scanimage: value for --br-y is: 32
> Scanning 2 pages, incrementing by 1, numbering from 1
> Scanning page 1
> lt-scanimage: scanning image of size 41x62 pixels at 8 bits/pixel
> lt-scanimage: acquiring gray frame
> lt-scanimage: min/max graylevel value = 255/0
> lt-scanimage: read 2542 bytes in total
> Scanned page 1. (scanner status = 5)
> Scanning page 2
> lt-scanimage: scanning image of size 41x62 pixels at 8 bits/pixel
> lt-scanimage: acquiring gray frame
> lt-scanimage: min/max graylevel value = 255/0
> lt-scanimage: read 2542 bytes in total
> Scanned page 2. (scanner status = 5)
> Closing device
> Calling sane_exit
> scanimage: finished
> Which I still think is the correct solution.
> Regards
> Jeff

"The truth is an offense, but not a sin"

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