does scanimage -L find the scanner?


2008/12/3 sidd gautam <siddharth_pnb at>:
> Hi Sir,
> I am unable to Enemurate the device.
> My device is Hp Scan 4370.
> Every time I get std::cerr << "> CSaneWrapper1::EnumerateDevices() fails\n";
> Please let me know what mistake I have commited.
> My OS is Fedora 8.0.
> I have installed
> libsane-hpaio-2.7.7-6.fc8.i386.rpm,sane-backends-1.0.19-10.fc9.i386.rpm. Is
> there anything I am missing.
> bool CSaneWrapper1::EnumerateDevices()
> {
>   SANE_Status statusCode;
>   statusCode = sane_get_devices(&_device_list, SANE_TRUE);
>   if( statusCode != SANE_STATUS_GOOD )
>   {
>      std::cerr << " CSaneWrapper1::EnumerateDevices() fails\n";
>     return false;
>   }
>   else
>   {
>       int i;
>       for( i = 0; _device_list[i] != NULL; i++ );
>       { _devicecount = i;
>       }
>     std::cerr << " CSaneWrapper1::EnumerateDevices() ELSE Success> \n";
>   }
>   return true;
>  }
>  Thanks in Advance.
>  Sidd
> --
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