Hi to all (sorry for my english)
I write from Italy, with other young artist are working on a machine 
that requires a man-size scanner. An A1 or A0 scanner it's very 
exspensive for us, ahah.
I use Gnu/linux (Debian-like distro) but i'm not i geek, :-( However i 
know the potential of open source software. I thought immediately to a 
solution ad-hoc but i don't know if it's possible. The idea is about a 
big scanner builded with more (6/8). We thought to disassemble scanners 
and take only the parts needed to scan.
I make us some questions.

- It's possible to control more that one scanner with a tool like SANE?
- If yes, it's possible to build a single scanned image from the scanned 
images of each machine,  in real time :-)
- If we try to make the scanner on lan an then take each scanned image 
and build one big images? We need one pc for each scanner?
- More and more.... :-)
I am asking a bit around and seemed a good idea to also ask the 
community of SANE.
I hope the this idea can make some step to our goals.
Bye bye.

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