My concern was not too much about the release number or name, but a
focus on: have we some kind of schedule or forecast for a new Sane
release ?
Some very popular Linux distribution have releases twice a year, and I
think this could be also a convenient rate for Sane too, to keep in sync
with that.


Le mardi 28 octobre 2008 ? 21:42 +0100, stef a ?crit :
> Le Tuesday 28 October 2008 08:49:38 Ren? Kjellerup, vous avez ?crit :
> > IIRC the version bumb to 1.0.19 was opted for
> > Instead of the minor version bumb.
>       Hello,
>       I have seen no such conclusion. 
> >
> > Kind Regards
> > Ren? Kjellerup
>       In order to have a clear picture of what developers want, I think it is 
> time 
> to anyone to express its choice. 
>       Mine is to have the current CVS released as SANE 2.0 with the according 
> soname increase.
> Regards,
>       Stef

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