On Wed, Oct 1, 2008 at 8:38 AM, Jeff Kowalczyk <jtk at yahoo.com> wrote:
> I noticed today that the Fujitsu fi-5120c was no longer listed at our
> preferred online retailer. A new model fi-6130 was available with slightly
> better specifications and a correspondingly higher price.
> Is the Fujitsu fi-6130 a direct replacement for the fi-5120c?

have one on my desk. very nice piece of gear, very fast, reversing
roller system makes it almost impossible to jam.

> Can anyone verify that the fi-6130 carries the same high level of sane
> fujitsu-backend compatibility as the fi-5120c?

works perfectly with sane cvs, poorly with 1.0.19. debian's latest
1.0.19 deb has a patch that gives basic support.

sane cvs also enables every esoteric option i could find, including
the endorser (if you get one).

"The truth is an offense, but not a sin"

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