> I only found *part* of the information I asked for.  Please do both of
> us a favour and make sure the device is connected, powered on and has
> finished warming up.  Next, log in as a normal user, open a terminal
> window and _cut_and_paste_ the following shell commands into that
> terminal window:
>   script cx3900-debug.log
>   groups
>   /sbin/lsusb
>   ls -lR /dev/usb
>   SANE_DEBUG_DLL=127 SANE_DEBUG_EPSON=127 scanimage -L
>   exit
>   gzip cx3900-debug.log


Here is the log, scanner is powered an connected and scanimage shows it only as 

$ scanimage -L
No scanners were identified. If you were expecting something different,
check that the scanner is plugged in, turned on and detected by the
sane-find-scanner tool (if appropriate). Please read the documentation
which came with this software (README, FAQ, manpages).

$ su
# scanimage -L
device `epson:libusb:002:006' is a Epson CX4000 flatbed scanner


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