On 5/26/08, Ren? Rebe <rene at exactcode.de> wrote: > Hi, > > some scanners even have simplex / duplex buttons or even fine grained > to up/down arrows to setup resolution, color mode etc. (i.g. the > popular HP 7400).
right- but what is the frontend going to do with that, read the user's setting, then turn the data back around and set the resolution and duplex options? it seems that would be better done in the backend itself. > > In the Avision backend I know use a string option to spit out > a message the program can parse. > > Going with the current trend, maybe a xml string should be used > to describe whatever is setup on the device? i see no point in this, however, it does point to an interesting problem. all these buttons are now semantically named, so you wont be able to have one called 'resolution', since you already have an option with that name. should we prefix these with 'button-' or some such? allan -- "The truth is an offense, but not a sin"